Bumper stickers are kind of funny. It’s always interested me to see what people chose to divulge in this one-sentence sound-bite format of personality expression, that others often see without any connection to the person inside the car, or at such a high speed that it is often read only for a second. It is a quick and anonymous design, but is used to show support, opposition, or general affiliation with all manner of political, philosophical, or commercial groups or ideas.
Bumper stickers conveying religious preference (or lack thereof) take the issue in a whole different direction. Why is it that people feel the need to express the importance of their personal beliefs in 6 inches of space on the back of their car? Is religion so heavily polarized an issue in our society that people feel the need to defend it the same way they would a political candidate? Or is it simply an instance of our current society capitalizing on religion, selling slogans about Jesus that are “perfect for your car, truck, van, motorhome, motorcycle, helmet, notebook, cubicle, or office?”
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